The 5-Step Formula That Gets Businesses, Brands & Influencers Featured in Major Media  

(like CNN, FOX, NBC, and Forbes)...

(even if they have no audience, no following, and no one knows their name)

In This Masterclass, You'll Discover ...

  • The step-by-step game plan to get featured in major media, reach millions, and tell your story

  • The inside secrets to have reporters BEG to hear your story, and give you the most glowing, favorable coverage you can imagine

  • How to craft an irresistible message that’s like candy to big media

  • How my clients go from racing to keep up with the competition to dominating the marketplace … all because they’ve positioned themselves as the only logical choice for their products and services.

  • How to leverage the media to create instant credibility and authority that showcases the real you and puts your story in front of millions...

  • AND how to do all of this while reaching the potential clients you care about most, being totally genuine, and without ever pretending to be someone you’re not.


Cheryl Hunter

Cheryl Hunter is a master coach and TV host who provides expert commentary for news sources such as CNN, Dr. Phil, NBC News, Dr. Oz, Fox,and PBS . In addition to writing and producing TV for CBS, HBO, and Paramount Pictures, Cheryl has written two bestselling books, and her four TED talks have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. Cheryl founded Magnify Your Message to help business owners expand their sphere of influence, impact, and income by crafting compelling messages and creating a movement around their products and services.

(c) 2018 – 2022 Cheryl Hunter

(c) 2018 – 2022 Cheryl Hunter

The 5-Step Formula That Gets Businesses, Brands & Influencers Featured in Major Media  

(like CNN, FOX, NBC, and Forbes)...

(even if they have no audience, no following, and no one knows their name)

In This Masterclass, You'll Discover ...

  • The step-by-step game plan to get featured in major media, reach millions, and tell your story

  • The inside secrets to have reporters BEG to hear your story, and give you the most glowing, favorable coverage you can imagine

  • How to craft an irresistible message that’s like candy to big media

  • How my clients go from racing to keep up with the competition to dominating the marketplace … all because they’ve positioned themselves as the only logical choice for their products and services.

  • How to leverage the media to create instant credibility and authority that showcases the real you and puts your story in front of millions...

  • AND how to do all of this while reaching the potential clients you care about most, being totally genuine, and without ever pretending to be someone you’re not.

Cheryl Hunter

Cheryl Hunter is a master coach and TV host who provides expert commentary for news sources such as CNN, Dr. Phil, NBC News, Dr. Oz, Fox,and PBS In addition to writing and producing TV for CBS, HBO, and Paramount Pictures, Cheryl has written two bestselling books, and her four TED talks have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. Cheryl founded Magnify Your Message to help business owners expand their sphere of influence, impact, and income by crafting compelling messages and creating a movement around their products and services.



(c) 2018 – 2022 Cheryl Hunter